Welcome to The Comets MUN Blog

Welcome to The Comets MUN Blog

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

UN DAY - Mini CMUN (Comets Model United Nations) Conference

Dear MUNers:

As you already know we will have our first "Mini-CMUN" Conference on Friday October 24, 2015. Since we are not working a typical MUN conference (where delegates lobby and merge resolutions), here is the step-by-step procedure we will follow.

1.    Research:

§  Background of topic: Background guide of the topic provided by the conference, Google, the news, Wikipedia (to frame the topic)

§  Past international actions: UN website, your committee’s website, key treaties or resolutions mentioned in your background guide, UN or NGO reports

§  Country policy and possible solutions: CIA World Factbook, your country’s foreign ministry website, domestic programs within your country, your country’s voting record on key treaties or resolutions, NGO or think tank policy recommendations, and your own creativity!

2.    Opening Speech:
The Opening Speech typically lasts about 1 minute and is the first speech you give to the committee or GA. It is the best opportunity for you to explain your country policy and the key sub-issues you would like the committee to focus on. Opening Speeches is a main way for countries to determine who they want to work with, so it’s important to prepare a speech that conveys this. The most important action is to just be brave and make your first speech.

3.    Research Binder: 
Research Binders are optional but highly recommended, especially since many conferences do not allow the use of technology in committee. An organized Research Binder will be your go-to resource during any conference as new terms and acronyms, previous resolutions and treaties, and possible solutions are mentioned. Here is a suggested list of 15 things every delegate should have for their Research Binder.

That day we will spend ONE HOUR (from 8:00am to 9:00am) lobbying positions and possible AMENDMENTS (remember that you have been given a draft resolution, and your main objective is to improve it, according to your country's position). Then we will have our Opening Ceremony and Opening Speeches and the debate (Debating of Amendments) session will begin. 

Amendments are submitted by the delegates; you will fill out the "amendment form" and send it to the Chair.  The Chair will read the amendment and ask if there is anyone against it.  If there is at least one country against it, then a certain amount of time is allotted to present the amendment, take questions-and-answers, and for delegates to speak about the amendment.
Delegates will vote on the amendments after time has elapsed for discussing each one, and delegates will vote on the amendment.  Finally, after all amendments have been discussed and voted, delegates will vote on the resolution as a whole. 

Source: http://bestdelegate.com/mun-made-easy-how-to-get-started-with-model-united-nations/

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

RESEARCH LINKS (quite handy)

This page will give you links to different RELIABLE research sites.  

click here

Monday, September 22, 2014

Country Assignments for the COMETS-MUN Mini-Conference (Oct. 24, 2014)

These are the country assignments:

USA - Emilio Rodriguez  
CHINA - Roland Lugo
BRAZIL - Richard Coll
GERMANY - Ella Scholz
INDIA - Isabella Cortés
CUBA - Juan Mojica
UNITED KINGDOM - Alfredo Ortiz
RUSSIA - Mariola Franco
CANADA - Sarah Sanson
MEXICO - Boyd Blakeman
ARGENTINA - Julián Vigil
JAPAN - William Coll
ISRAEL - Annalee Herger
QATAR - Guillermo Socorro
SOUTH AFRICA - Adriana Rodríguez
KUWAIT - Gabriella Prieto

CHAIR - Joseph Spir
SECRETARY - Angela Ursino

The question of Internet Security


This is the MUN Delegate Preparation Guide used in THIMUN (The Hague MUN)

Model Un for Everyone PART 2

Model UN for Everyone PART 1

Monday, September 15, 2014

TOPIC for UN Day

General Assembly: The question of Internet security.

UN DAY - October 24, 2014

We will celebrate UN DAY on Friday, October 24.  There are different activities planned, as well as a mini-MUN conference.  Topic and links will be posted soon!!